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DNA synthesis With New standards
- OligoMaker can synthesize different length of oligos in the same run
- The reagents used are all of standard types
- The 6 base bottle positions, can be upgraded to 8 or 10 or more bottle positions (max 15)
- 1/2, 1 or 2,5 ltr. Reservoirs for Activator, Cap A, Cap B, Ox, TCA and Acetonitrile.
- The consumption of chemicals in total is less than 1 ml per coupling
- The cost of an oligo is reduced to less than EUR 0.10 per base
- No flushing of lines during synthesis
- No use of expensive columns
- Typically yields after RP-column purification are 1-3 OD and 3-5 OD for 10 and 50 nmol scale, respectively
- User-friendly operation of the instrument
- Use an Excel sheet to load your data directly to the OligoMaker or use our optional database dOxy (TM)
- Installation and training of staff on the site can be arranged